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If you're referring to changing the key/tumbler portion of the latch, take a look at this. The process takes longer to explain than to do: http://www.ibmwr.org/ktech/topcasekey.shtml
I was able to remove the lock assembly by pushing in the end detent spring on the end of lock. But now I'm unable to reinsert the lock assembly due to the spring not letting it in all the way. And to top it off my computer has a bug and unable to do much on it. Computer going into the shop Monday. Thanks for the help.
PS it's the R side case latch on the K1100LT
The latch hole has four slots. Start the lock cylinder with the locking tab in the slot that is at 3 o'clock. Push all the way in then rotate counterclockwise until it stops.
Trip computer? FI computer? What's it doing/not doing?
(I reread your post. If your talking home computer, we can't help you here. We all can barely post, email, and use ebay).
Thanks...... Yes, pictures worth 4 thousands words. With the help of pictures AND a liberal amount of grease, along with a COUNTERclockwise rotation, lock cylinder popped into place. I'm good to go.
10-4 on (home) computer knowledge. In my case, lack of.