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Post a picture - OF YOUR DESKTOP!!!!

Visian said:
I am officially coming out of the closet... kinda.

Enjoy the morning view from casa-de-visian:

Vison, your not fooling anyone here. I think that photo is number 7 on the Mac screen saver choices. It's taken from the King of Switzerland's front patio.
based upon ian's desktop, i'd like to say, "2008 rally - at ian's place"
Commodore 64

Hey Campanula, last time I plugged this in it worked, and I think there are a couple of Sinclairs in the basement.


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username said:
based upon ian's desktop, i'd like to say, "2008 rally - at ian's place"

ha! i've been toying with the notion of a ride-in/campout... and would be interested to see if there were any interest. the place is in western NC and the mountains on the right side are inside the smoky mountain np.

there is one slight matter of the road to our house, which i affectionately refer to as our twit filter.

about a mile of gravel road with some interesting switchback turns.... but once there, we have a great flat grassy spot... actually two spots, plus an HP2-sized deck, ifyouknowhaddimean!

Visian said:
there is one slight matter of the road to our house, which i affectionately refer to as our twit filter.

about a mile of gravel road with some interesting switchback turns.
You're going to pave that for us, right? None of us are twits so you don't have to worry!
Old Pic but I still like it

This is a old pic from my sweeties first long ride on the BWPKY. The bikes have changed but I still like the pic.
I sort of agree with RTrandy. I thought that you guys/gals liked german engineering? So why so many Windoze desktops???

SuSE Linux :german

(Well, OK, it's owned by Novell now, but anyway...)


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Mar said:
You're going to pave that for us, right? None of us are twits so you don't have to worry!


No twits here! So... if this gets serious, we could have a service where you get to ride in a car to the top and your bike gets ridden by someone who can ride on a gravel road with switchbacks.

Hey... we've put some thought into this!

In reality, pavement is nice... unless it's the middle of winter. *Then* you need the gravel for traction! I've had some interesting rides up and down the hill in the snow on the G/S.

Holly -- I still have a Commodore in a box in the attic (along with a printer, tape and floppy drives and some games for it). I haven't hooked it up in years and doubt if it still works. Sometimes I do wonder about it though . . .

Not Spring Chickens

Well, Campanula, anyone who hasn't checked our ages now knows that neither of us is spring chickens. I also have my Norton Atlases sitting in the garage covered in dust. Time to see if they run before I dust off the old 64..