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Pix of your rig

Finally got the phone call. Rig was ready.
Test ride at Mike's place
LBS RIG1.jpg
Loaded for the trip home
LBS RIG2.jpg

First real ride
LBS RIG4.jpg
Almost hit the gravel
LBS RIG3.jpg
On Home turf
LBS RIG5.jpg
Annie’s new rig finally arrived.

Gas Tank Upgrade Completed

After adding the sidecar, my2018 BMW R1200 GS lacked range. I replaced the 5.25 gallon tank (200 miles) with a 7.75 gallon tank (300 miles) from an R1200 GSA. Of course I had to get new fairing parts to fit the larger tank. I just got it back from the paint shop.20230331_134926.jpg20230331_135211.jpg
Great looking hack, and yep, fuel mileage becomes an issue and the GSA tank is a good solution. Enjoy the ride.
Brian from BC stopped in to say hello. Thankfully the air filters a friend sent me were the ones he needed so he put one in. We think it fixed his power problem. This is one great looking rig! Sorry I didn't more better photos.