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new owner


New member
hi all

i just bought my first bmw, an r1200rt . i should have bought this bike years ago. i have put on almost a 1000 miles already. hope to travel soon, and meet some of y'all.
Well, as an "oldsnort" you probably have a story...

See if it's as crazy as ours..

did you buy new, etc?:deal:stick
hi all

i just bought my first bmw, an r1200rt . i should have bought this bike years ago. i have put on almost a 1000 miles already. hope to travel soon, and meet some of y'all.

Welcome aboard, you will probably find that you will enjoy that bike more each day you ride it. You have found a place here with a lot of very knowledgeable people, so feel free to ask any questions you have concerning your R1200RT, the MOA, etc. You might want to try attending a couple of BMW rallies, you will find that they are different than any other motorcycle rally that you may have been to.

We bought our first BMW from Jay at Ormond Cycles back in the 70s before he sold the place to Joe Katz, they were located on US 1 in Ormond Beach. We lived up in Ormond By The Sea but moved here to southeastern Tennessee in 1978. I have a sister in law and a lot of friends that still live in the area. I worked for a sign company and my wife worked for Hawaiian Tropic before we moved.

You mentioned being retired, isn't it nice? We both have been retired for several years now and are enjoying every day of it. Good Luck!