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New LS2 Advant X modular helmet


Well-known member

Just picked up the above in gun metal grey. Added the new Packtalk edge system. Large fits perfect [ a little tight in the cheek pads but that's resolve over time ]. It was immediately apparent the helmet was substantially lighter than my Shark evo3 modular.

Anyone rocking a modular? It's all I'll wear since the first Shark modular 8 years ago.
I have a Nolan- N104 modular helmet. For the most part I like it. I sure cured bees/wasps entering an open faces helmet’s opening between the helmet and my noggin. :eek
Also I find it nice at a quick stop to be able to get some ventilation or being able to carry on a conversation, even when I fuel up. :thumb
Considering that they're made in Spain - are replacement faceshields easy to get?
According to their dealer locator, the closest one to me is in Vancouver... (road trip!)
Considering that they're made in Spain - are replacement faceshields easy to get?
According to their dealer locator, the closest one to me is in Vancouver... (road trip!)
They are at the moment. But as I learned with the Shark modular, wait too long and they won't be available. I just ordered the inside pads and liner for my new one so in a few years when I want to change it out [ due to compression and wear allowing it to be more noisy ]. That was another mistake with the Shark, they were available, over time they weren't available anymore as that model was discontinued.

I suspect that's the same with about any maker who changes something in the design [ like the original LS vs the newer LS2 in purchased ]. Cycle gear where I buy locally is just 12 miles up the road. There's two more stores within 45 miles of me. According to google, there's a cycle gear in Canoga park [ 29 miles from LA ], Culver city [ 10 miles from LA ], Fullerton [ 32 miles from LA ] and several others in the state.

Spare shield https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/ls2-advant-pinlock-ready-face-shield?sku_id=10374093
Spare liner/pads https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/ls2-advant-x-helmet-liner
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My open-face helmet is a Shoei RJ Platinum R... and 5-snap shields are pretty hard to find now! Good thing I stocked up a few years ago.
(I'm about halfway between CG's Culver City and Lomita stores.)
My open-face helmet is a Shoei RJ Platinum R... and 5-snap shields are pretty hard to find now! Good thing I stocked up a few years ago.
(I'm about halfway between CG's Culver City and Lomita stores.)
That means you are roughly 15 miles NNW of me.
Date of manufacture, from the sticker inside, is 3/22. (Purchased new from the Lomita Cycle Gear.)
I even called Shoei, since they're fairly local (Tustin CA, I was even there once a few years ago), and even they have no idea where to get a new shield! They also deal closely with Helmet House in Calabasas (just north of Malibu), who also had no clue. :dunno
Besides the one that's on there now, I have 4 more stashed... No they're not for sale! 🏍️
RR - yup, I even lived in LB for a couple of years, long ago.
Thanks for the link, but I've also encountered exactly what one review says:
"these shields are too short to reach the outside snaps"
The standard width is 17½ inches. :(
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