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New kid from Ohio


Hello! Finally got the bike I've wanted for a long time. An RT! I found a pristine 2006 with 28k and the 24k svc completed by the previous owner. Dark grey with top case and tank bag. ESA heated seats and grips. Love this bike. I sold my FJR which was a nice bike but the RT is definitely more comfy and handles better...quicker turn in in the corners and 100 pounds lighter. Last month went to the Fontana bmw gathering and met some great people and rode some great roads. Glad to be a member of this club!
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you found a nice low mileage bike for yourself :thumb
I owned the previous generation RT, but I know that it would want to much some miles and still have a bike with good road manners around town, you have made a good choice. Enjoy.