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MOAL 2nd Sat Ride-2-Eat, 9Nov24


November’s Second Saturday Ride-2-Eat will gather at the Greasy Cove General Store in Gallant, AL around 11:00 on Nov 9th. I/they would appreciate a headcount of expected attendees, so call or send me a text @ (301) 503-7472 before 2 pm on Nov 8th so I can call in our MOAL reservation! My planned & tested route from HSV to the Greasy Spoon Kitchen is attached below. It was renamed a pdf so I could post it —just download & rename it as a ‘gpx’ file so you can look at it in Basecamp.
Weather that far out will be Seasonable: Lows mid 40s highs in upper 60s!
Ciao, HSV-Phil
mailto: president@bmwmoal.org


GPS print of my Ride-2-Eat through Guntersville to Gallant Valley. Depart HSV from Murphy's Express on the South Parkway @0900. Second "pdf" is the actual ".gpx' Garmin export file. Don't seem like a necessity to share useful GPS files, but it is on this new software...


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  • MOAL-RTE_09Nov24.pdf
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We had a dozen MOAL fans show up at the Greasy Cove Kitchen for our November 2nd Sat R-2-E. Encountered brief rain showers across the state while headed down or up the Gallant Valley, southeast of Gadsden. Our group ticket went into the kitchen as one, and orders appeared almost simultaneously 15 minutes later. Vance & Mari had befriended the manager and they were expecting a good turnout! I enjoyed the mushroom, onion & Swiss burger with a bunch of house-cut French fries; Mrs-HSV had the standard Greasy cheeseburger mit sweet potato fries {and a small deep fried peach pie to go}. Everyone enjoyed their lunch and their ride-2-rendezvous in the country as well. Vance and Mari led their troop up from BHM; I led our small group of four from HSV with a few showing up in their larger overland vehicles.
Headed north & east to Stevenson, AL for the 14Dec24 @1100 2nd Sat R2E rendezvous at the Copper Top Restaurant.
Ciao, HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen



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