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Mecum motorcycle auction 2025

That’s a ton! My bike would bring that kind of money if I autographed it………and put $79,000 in the saddlebags. :boldpurpl
I like watching Mecum auctions on TV and have been to three in person.
I'll never understand paying a premium price for a vehicle because a famous person had owned it.
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morning all, just got back from the Mecum motorcycle auction, thought I would pass this tidbit along. Neil Pert's R 1200 GS sold on saturday for $80,000. đŸ¤¯ it did have a nice set of Jesse bags :)

Wait was the red 2004 upstairs in Las Vegas? I was wondering why that bike was there.. Didn't stop to look at it closely as it really did not stand out amongst the crowd.. (I attended the auction on Wednesday)
I like watching Mecum actions on TV and have been to three in person.
I'll never understand paying a premium price for a vehicle because a famous person had owned it.
$25,000,000 wouldn't buy the Porsche 917K at the Kissimmee auction last month. Steve McQueen, Brian Redman and Jerry Seinfeld were names attached to it.

I hope the GS buyer really is a fan and a rider, and didn't just buy it because it might increase in value.
Maybe he'll donate it to the MOA or AMA museum...?
I hope the GS buyer really is a fan and a rider, and didn't just buy it because it might increase in value.
Maybe he'll donate it to the MOA or AMA museum...?

If I'm spending 10X what something is worth ($80K) to ride, someone should slap me. I agree, it's a shame it'll probably be stored away and never seen again but paying that much means it probably won't be ridden. The winner could have bought 3 or 4 bikes for that'd had a blast. This was definitely for a collection.
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Forgive my ignorance but I would like to know. Who is or was Neil Pert? Is that a Whizzy Brake 05 GS?
Forgive my ignorance but I would like to know. Who is or was Neil Pert? Is that a Whizzy Brake 05 GS?
Older thread-

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