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Measuring Transmission Oil Level '87 K100RS


New member
I have a 1987 K100RS and I need to measure the oil level of the transmission. I understand that you are supposed to use one of the wrenches from the tool kit that has notches for the acceptable high and low levels of the oil. Conveniently, that is one of the wrenches that was missing from the tool kit when I bought the bike.

Could someone please take measurements of the wrench and the high and low notches on this wrench so that I could create a makeshift dipstick? If you could trace the wrench itself on a piece of paper with the measurements and take a picture that would be fantastic!

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The wrench is the shock adjustment tool. The full mark is 4 17/32nds inches from the filler and the low mark is 5/16ths inch below that.

Send me your email in a PM and I'll send a picture of the tool.