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Marsee "Corona" Tankbag any FEEDBACK


New member
While looking at Tank bags I have been impressed with the Marsee "Corona" Tankbag (see pic from catalog) which attaches right to the gas cap opening and allows for a more secure mount and a quick release of the bag. I have an 04 RT and am looking forward to the convience of a safe and secure tank bag. Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with this bag?


  • tankbag_CoronaBMW11.jpg
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Electric version(s) of these too?

I, too, am interested in these bags, especially the ones that tie into the electrical system.

I had posted the following on another forum;

I have both the Big Mak and the Marsee Corona. I bought th Big Mak first and used it for about a year. I liked it ok but found that I was leaving it on all the time to hide the platten. The end result was that it faded. I bought a the Marsee and think that the mounting ring is better looking than the platten with the bag off. Also the ring doesn't rattle like the platten does without the bag. One down side with the Marsee is that full lock turns hit the horn or turnsignal cancel buttons where as on the Big Mak there was no interference. If anybody wants a used slightly faded big Mak make be an offer
11 liter or 20 liter size

Thanks for the feeback pwittstruck.

Which Marsee bag do you have the smaller 11liter or the larger 20 liter with the side pockets. Do you find your horn is going off all the time. Does it pose a large problem and any problems with the function of the bike when riding?

I believe it is the 11 liter, it has no side pockests. The horn does go off if you turn sharply, almost full lock at very slow speeds. This usually happens during parking manuevers.
Can any of you guys direct me to the Marsee website? I can't seem to find an online catalogue. Is Marsee the only company with the gas cap mounting system? I'm looking for that style of mount for my K1200RS. Does anyone know of a manufacturer who makes a small bag tailored to fit on my rack? I'm looking for smaller pieces geared more for a day ride rather than a long trip. (You would think that in all that tupperware BMW could have put in a compartment to hold glasses, wallet, and cellphone!) :D
Geoff Miller said:
Does anyone know of a manufacturer who makes a small bag tailored to fit on my rack?

BMW makes a bag for the luggage rack along with a plastic clamp that makes mounting and unmounting the bag easy (it locks on too). Chicane also sells a couple of bags designed to be used with the BMW rack "clamp". I think they are better quality and cheaper I'm sure. If those are too big, Chicane sells a small, 13-liter, Summit Tail Bag.

Behnkeb said:
I have been impressed with the Marsee "Corona". Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with this bag?

Posted the same question on another forum. Seems few know or have any experiences with this product.

There is also a similar product made by Luggage Locker. It can be locked to the base ring.
What about the Marsee "quick release" bags

The Marsee website has a teardrop 15 liter bag with dimensions that should fit between the bars at full throw (~8 inches). I could not find a picture of the lower attaching part by itself and am wondering how easy or difficult it is to gain access to the filler cap. Does one have to take the quick release base off or is there there an access hole for the filler cap? Anyone have this type of system?
markmi said:
The Marsee website has a teardrop 15 liter bag with dimensions that should fit between the bars at full throw (~8 inches). I could not find a picture of the lower attaching part by itself and am wondering how easy or difficult it is to gain access to the filler cap. Does one have to take the quick release base off or is there there an access hole for the filler cap? Anyone have this type of system?

The Marsee I use on the RT is expandable, has 3 side pockets (1 is removable), a carry handle and shoulder strap. Cost was about $130.00 The quick release base must be released (I unsnap mine form the bottom and swing the bag over the right side handle bar) to gas the bike. If I'm leaving the bike to eat, etc. I always take it with me. Also, I had to set it back to keep it from hitting the horn switch! Discovered this at 0430 before leaving for the Keys!

It will hold the liners from both Frank Thomas cold weather riding suits and still compress down to the standard height. At full height you can use for a chest rest.

Good bag. :thumb
