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long shot request for a installation/wiring diagram for K75


New member
In the early 1990's I purchased a kit that changed the front turn signals of my K bike to running light/turn signals. Sadly, I don't remember who I purchased it from, but there could not have been too many of these kits at the time, right? I'm trying to put my front turn signals back together after having the bike apart for a while, and I can't figure it out. I have this very long shot hope that someone has those instructions/has them installed on their bike and can help me out. I remember there was a 'trick' to the installation but its been too long since I did it for me to remember the trick.

I doubt it makes a difference, but this is a 1987 K75T

I realize this is a loooooong shot, but I'm stuck and can't figure out what else to do. Please have mercy on what is probably a 'stupid' post....
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I'll have a look in the next day or so to see if I still have instructions. If, nothing else I can take some photos to show the installation.

Richard in Commerce Twp, MI
Back in the time period mentioned by the OP I converted my R1100RS front turn signals to the combined running light / turn signals. As I recall I purchased this "kit" from Klaus Huenecke at a BMW rally. Klaus owns EPM Performance in NJ; it appears that he mostly sells shocks for BMWs.

With respect to wiring diagrams, there are several on-line sources. (I have one of the large laminated diagrams for my bikes. Prospero's Garage was the source).

https://www.ebay.com/itm/220365314483 <= these are what I use.
I looked and I didn't find any instructions concerning the running light kit. I'll try to look at the wiring on my k and get back to you.
In the early 1990's I purchased a kit that changed the front turn signals of my K bike to running light/turn signals. Sadly, I don't remember who I purchased it from, but there could not have been too many of these kits at the time, right? I'm trying to put my front turn signals back together after having the bike apart for a while, and I can't figure it out. I have this very long shot hope that someone has those instructions/has them installed on their bike and can help me out. I remember there was a 'trick' to the installation but its been too long since I did it for me to remember the trick.

I doubt it makes a difference, but this is a 1987 K75T

I realize this is a loooooong shot, but I'm stuck and can't figure out what else to do. Please have mercy on what is probably a 'stupid' post....
If you are trying to find answers, there is no such thing as a stupid post!

I believe they were made by a company called Run-N-Lights. They are no longer in business.

They replaced the single element socket in the turn indicator with a dual element socket that would take an 1157 bulb (the old standard car tail/brake light bulb). The low powered element would connect to the front parking light circuit and the higher powered elements would connect to the appropriate turn indicator circuits.

Any other questions, just ask.

:dance :dance :dance
I thought that in the dim, dark, distant past someone, somewhere had instructions on how to convert the single filament turn signal into a dual filament turn / running light. This is basically what the run-N-lites kit does. I can't find the DIY info that I was thinking of, but I did stumble on some past threads that are related (but ultimately may not be completely helpful). I believe that a current MOA ON advertiser called Weiser has an LED-based kit that gives one turn signals and running lights - I have no experience with this product or this company.

Here are some links to semi-related past threads or blog-like webpages -

You’re going to need the two filament bulbs (1157, I believe), a two filament bulb holder and a harness. It’s not hard to make such a setup, but you’re going to need to start with the bulb holders.
I thought that in the dim, dark, distant past someone, somewhere had instructions on how to convert the single filament turn signal into a dual filament turn / running light. This is basically what the run-N-lites kit does. I can't find the DIY info that I was thinking of, but I did stumble on some past threads that are related (but ultimately may not be completely helpful). I believe that a current MOA ON advertiser called Weiser has an LED-based kit that gives one turn signals and running lights - I have no experience with this product or this company.

Here are some links to semi-related past threads or blog-like webpages -

Been using weisers for years. Very happy with them.
Also have them on the airhead.
Weiser has nothing for an '87 K75T (or RT), unless you want to go "custom", and then your turn signals would probably flash too quickly because of the LEDs. And Weiser's stuff is pretty expensive; it's made for those who do not want to "experiment" and come up with something themselves. But they ARE indeed BRIGHT!
Dual-filament incandescents are the way to go here, per posts 5 and 7.