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Italy Motorcycle Tour questions - Adriatic or MTE - Moto Tours Eroupe.

I have read that so often about the amount of vaction time we get on this side of the pond. Yet how can Europe and other countries afford to give workers 6 weeks of vacation plus anther 2 weeks of national holidays and not go broke. We must be greedy or doing something wrong.

It is called American Exceptionalism.
Bring money and I hope you get a fog-free day in Nordkapp.

Boy howdy, things are expensive there! Fortunately, I am breaking my pattern of riding solo and an old high-school buddy is coming along, renting a bike in Frankfurt. At least we can split the hotel bill… I also took advantage of the favorable exchange rate and bought a nice wad of Kroner at a discount! (Obviously the way to go there on a budget is to camp, but I am over that!)

I made the decision not to go to Nordkapp. For one, I am not one of those “ride to the end of the roads” type and I am also concerned about the weather risk. I also wanted to spend a fair amount of time in the southern reaches of the country, the area south of Bergen. This ride will be a scouting mission for a future car-based tour with my wife. Maybe we will go up to Nordkapp then.

There sure is no lack of fabulous riding in Norway, really looking forward to it.

Europe tours

Myself and wife are entertaining the idea of taking a Southern Italy tour next fall. We have narrowed it down to two options Adriatic tours or Moto Tours Europe (AKA MTE). Does anyone out there have experiences with either?
I've taken 3 tours with Adriatic! Don't think anyone could do a better job! Every trip was perfect!