Two Hunters...
Two hunters are walking through the woods and come upon a large hole in the ground, pitch black. One of them tosses a stone in and says “I didn’t hear it hit!” The other hunter says “I know, help me with this rusty old anvil and we can toss it down there.” So they drop it in and seconds later this goat, going like 80 miles an hour, shoots past them and down the hole. Just then they hear calls of “Becky? Becky?”. A farmer comes out of the woods and asks “Did you guys see a goat around here?” The hunter says “Yeah! it just went down that hole!” the farmer replies “That’s impossible! I had her chained to an anvil!”
Two hunters are walking through the woods and come upon a large hole in the ground, pitch black. One of them tosses a stone in and says “I didn’t hear it hit!” The other hunter says “I know, help me with this rusty old anvil and we can toss it down there.” So they drop it in and seconds later this goat, going like 80 miles an hour, shoots past them and down the hole. Just then they hear calls of “Becky? Becky?”. A farmer comes out of the woods and asks “Did you guys see a goat around here?” The hunter says “Yeah! it just went down that hole!” the farmer replies “That’s impossible! I had her chained to an anvil!”