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I was watching an ATV show visiting the UP

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
This place looks pretty cool-

Welcome to one of the most beloved attractions in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Tom Lakenen's Lakenenland Sculpture Park. Tom invites you to stop by and see, for yourself, why the Detroit Free Press called Lakenenland , "The coolest unofficial roadside rest stop in the state." His 37 acre park includes a Sculpture Trail, a winding road through the woods featuring more than 100 of Tom's whimsical, colorful and sometimes "tell it like it is" Metal Art sculptures showcasing his tremendous talent for turning junk metal and scrap iron into awe inspiring, entertaining works of art.

I do a fair amount of welding, but it’s mostly repair work. I wish I could develop the creativity to come up with sculptures like this.

Aaahhhh, American folk art; a genre that holds its appeal not in spite of its kitsch, but because of it. Looks like an interesting place to stop and take a break!

Here’s another, one of my favorites in no small part because of the dedication of the artist to supporting his small hometown in the middle of the vast prarie region: https://enchantedhighwaynd.com/.

Pretty neat that when the local school ceased operations the artist bought the building and converted it to a motel/restaurant/bar catering to tourists coming to see the artwork. Somewhere, there has to be a list of such places—this would be a great Coddiwomple category!
