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Hi, I'm new here, from Vermont!


New member
Hi Folks,

Good to join up and meet all of you. I'm in central Vermont, ride a 2000 R1100RT-P. Getting ready for a road trip from here to Taos, NM, then to Boise, ID, and back home through Canada.

Hope to see you on the road!

Russbeem n me.jpg
I'll be crossing at Sault St Marie,
There's several nice lighthouses on the Michigan UP near there. Check out the Great Lakes Shipwreck museum at Whitefish Point.
One of the Soo Locks at Sault St Marie is being rebuilt.
There's several nice lighthouses on the Michigan UP near there. Check out the Great Lakes Shipwreck museum at Whitefish Point.
One of the Soo Locks at Sault St Marie is being rebuilt.
Sweet, thanks for the info. I look forward to cruising the UP
Good Luck on your eXtended X-country eXcursion Russ!

We did the UP many years ago now; it was where we were first introduced to their culinary specialty, "naked cheese curds."

Be sure to post a few pix back here on your Intro-page, when U encounter something "noteworthy!"

Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen 😎 🍺 🤠 🥃
Good Luck on your eXtended X-country eXcursion Russ!

We did the UP many years ago now; it was where we were first introduced to their culinary specialty, "naked cheese curds."

Be sure to post a few pix back here on your Intro-page, when U encounter something "noteworthy!"

Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen 😎 🍺 🤠 🥃
Thanks, and I will post while on the road.
Only three days till I set our, first leg Bristol VT to Taos NM. Fussing around with gear and straps and balancing pannier weight.20240511_133048.jpg