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Hello from southeast MI!


New member
Hello fellow BMW riders, glad to be a part of the community! I just purchased a 2024 R18 Roctane and am madly in love with it! I’m new to riding having just taken my MSF class in April of this year at the ripe young age of 42 and didn’t think I’d go from my starter bike to a new bike within 3 months, but when I saw this beauty, I couldn’t pass it up. Add to the fact the BMW community seems incredible, I feel like I found something special in the bike and in the community behind the bike, what a win!

Look forward to meeting others and hope to see y’all out there on the roads! Ride safe!


Stevie J

Roctane Front.jpgRoctane L Side.jpgRoctane R Side.jpgRoctane Back.jpgRoctane Rocking Out.jpg
Welcome to the forum!
Nice to have the younger riders involved. :)
Ride safe and enjoy that sharp looking bike.
Welcome from Northern VA. Great looking bike!
Thank you kindly! I spent the first 13 years of my professional life in NOVA region, nice to hear from somebody in the area! While MI has always been my native home, my wife and her family are from NOVA/MD area so we visit often. I may have to ride my bike down there once I build the confidence to do long highway trips. Some amazing routes and roads and would love to hit 66W to 81S so I can connect with the Blue Ridge Parkway....I'm jealous of your opportunities there! Ride safe!
Welcome to the forum!
Nice to have the younger riders involved. :)
Ride safe and enjoy that sharp looking bike.
Thank you! Always happy to be in the camp that helps bring the curve down in terms of age, seems to be a rarity for me these days haha. Ride safe as well and look forward to connecting in and around the forum!
Hallo Señor Stevie {aka Mr Calvin & Hobbs} from the north Alabama region & the Tennessee River valley!

If'n you're new to BMWs and you're simply Lovin Life on 2-wheels, then that's Worth Celebrating! I happened to buy my first BMW in MD in 1975; it's still living the Good Life in Rocket City USA 49 years later. Nobody knows what choices they'll make in the years to come. Just watch out for the many distracted Drivers that don't give a Hill of Beans about your longevity! :evil

Find your closest Chartered Club and make some new friends. I participated with the BMWBMW club in Metro DC for many years. Since then, we moved to Rocket City USA and I was selected to herd the cats in the AlaBeemers {CC-05}. I lead 2nd Saturday Rides-2-Eat mostly on second Saturdays! :yum That's why they elected me...

AND, might I suggest that you consider more Advanced M/C training when the mood & weather permits. The MOA Foundation will give you money to go get more On-Road training... I can attest that it's Never a bad idea to accept free money for more Professional M/C Training.... We took a 3-day course with Ken Condon's Riding in the Zone in New England a few many years ago. I think it helped our skills to advance (but we've had quite a few such training episodes}. Just Do Not overlook this opportunity to protect yourself & your new, glamorous 1800 cc Motorrad Machine!

Like we said in the military, Everyday's a Training Day {so put on your Thinking Cap and get U some}!

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Phil --- & --- HSV-Karen
USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d
'75 R90S ——-—— '82 R100CS
'14 K16GT ———— '16 R1200RS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’88 R100RT
’05 Vespa 200L -—-- ’11 Vespa GTS 300
President of MOA CC-05: mailto: president@bmwmoal.org
+ Alabama Airmarshal of CC-214