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Heat wave in the NW for the Rally

Might be a little warm, but it won't be that Gulf of Mexico fueled humidity. As long as you stay out of the sun and can catch a little breeze, folks ought to be fine.
Careful - that's above average - but what's average?
I have the long-term temp forcasts at night running around 45 deg F. (9 deg C Wed night down to 5 deg Saturday night.)
Daytime temps are forecast as moderate (70s).
With "higher than average" temps comes prediction of no rain.
Remember to read carefully and have fun out there.
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Careful - that's above average - but what's average?
I have the long-term temp forcasts at night running around 45 deg F. (9 deg C Wed night down to 5 deg Saturday night.)
Daytime temps are forecast as moderate (70s).
With "higher than average" temps comes prediction of no rain.
Remember to read carefully and have fun out there.
I never believe a forecast that far out.
If we were going and leaving from Iowa, we would plan for cold and heat.
Glenlivet and I have a hotel room reserved just in case. If nights are pleasant we can cancel
I've learned that having one motel room near any National can be a life saver!
AC, Clean Toilet, Shower, and a pool...........