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F700GS Rear Tire size


My wife's F700GS is going to need tires in the next 2k miles or so. The rear is a factory size 140/80/r17. I have a set of Michelin Anakee Adventure with about 1k miles on them. The front is the same size as what is on her bike now. The back is a 150/70/r17. Can I use this tire as a replacement for the 140/80/r17?

Will it fit the rim properly?
Will it fit in the tire space in the swingarm?
Will it impact the ABS and/or other systems?
I am running a 150/70-17 on my F700GS now. I can detect no real difference in handling. Here are the sizes of the two tires:


The speedo on my F7 is the most inaccurate one I’ve ever experienced on a BMW; 5 MPH too optimistic at an indicated 75 MPH. I rely on a GPS as a speedo and haven’t noticed if the indicated speed is more accurate.