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Canadians and the 2025 Rally

60 years of crossing the border never had a problem generated by "what was going on politically between Canada and the US".
Some people don't care about anything but the ride and their own experience.

Others care about the places they visit and supporting the values they covet. Spending time and money in concert with that philosophy then becomes important.

As always, YMMV.
Regardless of the politics, the tariff factor could effect any disposable income to travel. It could also impact the value of the US dollar. They are considerations but not preventing me from the decision. The political element isn’t a factor at all. Just economic.
Trump. Tariffs. Trying to bully us into joining the U.S.
Not wanting to start anything political, but it has become an issue for some Canadians traveling south. An acquaintance Helicopter pilot traveling down to help at the California fires, was turned back at the border by ICE. The reason " We have our own pilots" I Just hope reason prevails and we can all live our life Harmoniously.
I definetely will not be travelling to the US as long as this taiff issue continues. I will also do my best to buy non-American goods for the duration.
I definetely will not be travelling to the US as long as this taiff issue continues. I will also do my best to buy non-American goods for the duration.

Who cares, can we kill the political talk I don't come here for that. If you want to come to the USA come, if you want to stay home stay home. No one really gives 💩
Seems there is currently no tariff in place on Canada or Mexico. Now everyone who wishes to do so can enjoy the rally.
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Holy cow! I doubt that Canadians visiting the US this year will encounter any increased animosity from Americans because of the political shenanigans going on. Annie & I plan on making a long planned ride up into the Yukon, and will be accompanied by a Canadian friend. I hope all my Canadian friends will maintain their friendships with Americans and continue to visit as they did in the past. We have two friends from Alberta that we anticipate will visit in the next month and I would be deeply disappointed should they feel unwanted or uneasy while down here.
Very well said! I have a few Canadian friends who I hope to ride with this year to the Rally. Whatever is taking place politically has little impact on our friendship and our shared love for motorcycles.
There are a number of posts in this thread that can be most generously decribed as dripping with rather "American" centric views that pay no regard or lack any understanding of how the US is increasingly viewed from outside the US. It might be two people calling the shots in DC of late, but a majority of the US voted for one of them who is owned by the other. So, all of us in the US own what is going on of late - good or bad.

Friends don't mistreat, bully or threaten friends for long before they quietly find their friends increasingly spending their time and dollars elsewhere, even if it turns out that the threats were hot air.

At this point, I do know many Canadians, among people from other countries who absolutely have changed travel plans and spending patterns over what is going on in the US and the uncertainty it is causing. I don't blame them. Heck, I'm even rethinking my own travel plans, and I currently live in this mess.
The whole point of travel is to visit somewhere at least a little different from our own familiar corner of the world. Simply passing through an area on a motorcycle does not imply one agrees with the local ideology.
Sometimes a person may be so annoyed that they decide to boycott - ie. not to spend their money - at certain establishments or places. There are a handful of businesses I refuse to have any dealings with because I disapprove of things they do or don't do.. (Ask me about KFC's "Honey Sauce" sometime.) When we lived in Iowa 45 or so years ago I refused to travel in Louisiana because of the behavior of local deputies in regards to out-of-state motorists, and especially motorcycle riders. Some of my Canadian friends have expressed their opinions regarding things currently going on in the United States and have expressed their intention to not spend any money traveling in the U.S. Whether I agree or not is beside the point. It is their decision and they have the right to make it.
Another reason why I might not attend the National Rally is because at this time I currently have no other US trips planned in 2025. To go to the three day Rally, maybe five days if I do setup volunteering, a couple of days travelling, my private out of province health coverage will be about $600, which is somewhat pricey for such a short trip. More frequent trips would make that fee more acceptable.
Sometimes a person may be so annoyed that they decide to boycott - ie. not to spend their money - at certain establishments or places. There are a handful of businesses I refuse to have any dealings with because I disapprove of things they do or don't do.. (Ask me about KFC's "Honey Sauce" sometime.) When we lived in Iowa 45 or so years ago I refused to travel in Louisiana because of the behavior of local deputies in regards to out-of-state motorists, and especially motorcycle riders. Some of my Canadian friends have expressed their opinions regarding things currently going on in the United States and have expressed their intention to not spend any money traveling in the U.S. Whether I agree or not is beside the point. It is their decision and they have the right to make it.
Well, maybe. But to deny oneself the opportunity to vacation travel freely through the US because of recent political maneuverings seems like it would have a more negative impact on the traveler than the offending administration.

Still, as you stated, it is our decision to make.

It kind of reminds me of an old saying, though.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill someone else”
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