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BMW Owners New - Riding Safety Tips


New member
Hi everyone from Michigan !

I hope I am posting this in the correct area. Apologizes in advance if I am not.

Am I wrong or did the BMW Owners News use to have a safe riding related article eacb issue? Maybe I am getting it confused with MCN. If I am correct, what was the name of the author please? Thank you
Hi everyone from Michigan !

I hope I am posting this in the correct area. Apologizes in advance if I am not.

Am I wrong or did the BMW Owners News use to have a safe riding related article eacb issue? Maybe I am getting it confused with MCN. If I am correct, what was the name of the author please? Thank you
I forget the titles but for a while a series was written by author David Hough. Also, a series was authored by Roger Wiles.
Thanks Paul !

I loaned David's book to someone and it was never returned. I forgot the title and the author so I could not order a replacement. Now I was able to find it - "Proficient Motorcycling". Looks like they are on the 3rd edition. Be safe.
Also, seems to be a relationship, the last couple of years, with racer, writer, editor and all-around good guy Nick Ienatsch. ON re-ran a few of his old "Ienatsch Tuesday" articles from Cycle World." and the foundation now has some sort of financial relationship with Yamaha School of Champions/Champ U.