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Anti fogging spray vs film

Some sprays work, some don't... you can try it on your bathroom mirror to judge effectiveness.
Divers sometimes just use spit; I've also heard that potato juice works (dunno about vodka....!).
I leave the shield open just a smidgen when it's fogging up. Been through pouring rain and no problem with water getting into the helmet. Easy solution.
I ignored the pin lock that came with my previous helmets; big mistake. The pin lock attachment is always fog free, much better than any anti-fog spray I’ve used. I do not have any pin locks for my glasses so on foggy or misty days, they go into their case and are stored in the top box. Fortunately I am able to navigate without my glasses.
I ignored the pin lock that came with my previous helmets; big mistake. The pin lock attachment is always fog free, much better than any anti-fog spray I’ve used. I do not have any pin locks for my glasses so on foggy or misty days, they go into their case and are stored in the top box. Fortunately I am able to navigate without my glasses.
I almost did the same thing. Glad I caught it before I threw the pinlock out (I didn't know what it was for.. Yeah, I'm a little dense).

I ride a lot in the winter, and, from all the stuff I've tried, Pinlock is FAR AND AWAY better. I can do 100's of miles in a day and not even get a hint of fog. It honestly so much better than I wouldn't ride in the winter without it now. I do use another shield in the summer without a Pinlock, no reason to have it in there and it does obstruct your vision a tiny bit (the visor seems "clearer" without it). But in the cooler weather? You won't catch me without one!
I agree with the various comments about Pinlock. If you have one, definitely give it a try. I've used it for years and generally it works well. However, on my Shoei Neotec II, I had various problems with it not fitting right, so I tried a product similar to this:

Biker's Run Anti-Fog Treatment

I ended up with an Amazon equivalent, since Biker's Run online store was having problems. However, I like the shape of Biker's Run better. Anyway, it works great and has better clarity than the Pinlock I used.
I've had Pinlock on all of my helmets since 2008. I do sometimes have to use a fog wipe on my glasses.