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45th Annual Hiawatha Rally in Minnesota- June 3, 4, and 5, 2022


Active member
It's that time of the year again when you should start planning your summer rally schedule! Experience "Minnesota Nice" in person!

The BMW Motorcycle Owners Club of Minnesota invites you to the 45th Annual Hiawatha Rally

2022 dates are: June 3rd through the 5th

Rally fee includes:
-2 nights camping on grassy shaded tent sites.
-24-hour coffee, tea, water and lemonade.
-Vendors on site.
-Demo rides by Leo’s South.
-Door prizes and awards. Rally pin to first 220 attendees.
-“Ride for Pie” Friday afternoon.
-Friday evening soup and hot dogs until gone.
-Guided dual-sport ride and field events Saturday.
-Dinner Saturday evening. Sunday morning worship service and treats.

All motorcycle brands welcome.

Register online at www.bmwmocm.com

Enjoy many of the best roads in Southern Minnesota:

Two months to go! I got one of my bikes out yesterday for the start of the mileage contest - 50 degrees and sun!
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Come join us in a couple days!!!

Demo rides, shady camping, ride for pie, door prizes, hot dogs, unlimited coffee and tea, more door prizes, a GS ride, field events (with a chance to win delicious ice cream!), catered dinner, and did I mention door prizes?