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3rd Annual Laurel Highlands Weekend, Sept 21-24, 2023 Somerset, Pa.

If you call the motel directly you must mention the BMW Event to book a room..........
If you don't they will tell you they are sold out!

you can also use the online link from the listing in the calendar!

online registration is closed...........

But we will be accepting walkins at the Motel.
Hope you see you all.


A good time was had by all! Despite the hurricane.
We planned for 75 attendees but probaly had 65 in the building on Friday night.
The Hurricane rolled in over the evening hours with Saturday dawning cool & wet!
Some headed home early, some went riding and some just sat around the motel all day waiting for the evening Doorprize to be given out.
And we ended the night watching the Penn State - Iowa game on the big screen in the lobby.
Enjoying some adult beverages and humorous banter about KTM motorcycles ;-)
Hope to see everyone next year!
GSJay, thank you so much for a wonderful event! Both you and Joanne are great hosts! In spite of the rain, we had a fantastic time on fantastic roads! This is a “not to be missed” event! See you next year!

Chris and Denise
Ya know, I very well may. We (swmbo and myself) will be returning from an RV trip to Nova Scotia right around then.

fwiw, I was just in that area riding around, after visiting the 50th Annual ISDT ride reunion in Vermont, and on my way to the BMW RA rally.

Visited Ohiopyle area, doodled into Maryland and wound up riding on a superb road, the Brandonville Pike.

What a great area in the country for riding!

Ya know, I very well may. We (swmbo and myself) will be returning from an RV trip to Nova Scotia right around then.

fwiw, I was just in that area riding around, after visiting the 50th Annual ISDT ride reunion in Vermont, and on my way to the BMW RA rally.

Visited Ohiopyle area, doodled into Maryland and wound up riding on a superb road, the Brandonville Pike.

What a great area in the country for riding!


Brandonville Pike is a GREAT road!
Lots of great riding for sure. Canaan was a great location for the RA Rally. I held a Concours Owners Group event there in 2007.
Only a year to do the planning.