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2025 Grand Coddiwomple registration now open

Ditto. Anxious to see the challenges. But of course, it's only Feb 6 and it's nearly 2 months before we can actually DO anything. Oh, and snow in the forecast tonight... :cool:(y)
"The Rules" tell me that the Challenges will be released on March 1... I guess that means six more weeks of winter. Yes, I >did< just get done shoveling the drive and sidewalk for the third time this week. ⛄
I can't remember when they were released last year but hopefully soon. We have to plan!!
Well we didn’t have to wait until March. The challenges have been posted! Yay!! Let the planning begin!
Thanks for the heads up! I wasn't going to check again until the 1st. Not as much "easy pickin's" for an Idaho boy this time... this might take some extra mileage for me to score well. Wait, what? Extra mileage?! I'm in for that!