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2023 R1250GSA without LED Headlight

Ordered my LED in June...Finally got it installed !!!!!

What a difference!

I've had my replacement light on order for over 3 months (as soon as I learned the part was available - I have a 2023 GSA that came with halogen). I was recently told my dealer still can't get the part. Very disappointed.
I've had my replacement light on order for over 3 months (as soon as I learned the part was available - I have a 2023 GSA that came with halogen). I was recently told my dealer still can't get the part. Very disappointed.

Try Dulles BMW motorcycles.

I didn't use my local dealer.
I ordered the LED replacement part number “77 51 5 B3B F75” on 11/14/23 from BMW motorcycles of Cleveland, and they received it in less than a week. And it even qualified for the BMWMOA 10% parts rebate. A couple of hours of labor and a 3.5 hour long firmware update ?!? on my 2023 GSA, and I was all set. It’s nice to have the bike be whole, and of course the light is significantly better than the halogen at night.
I ordered the LED replacement part number “77 51 5 B3B F75” on 11/14/23 from BMW motorcycles of Cleveland, and they received it in less than a week. And it even qualified for the BMWMOA 10% parts rebate. A couple of hours of labor and a 3.5 hour long firmware update ?!? on my 2023 GSA, and I was all set. It’s nice to have the bike be whole, and of course the light is significantly better than the halogen at night.

What was the total cost?
I ordered the LED replacement part number “77 51 5 B3B F75” on 11/14/23 from BMW motorcycles of Cleveland, and they received it in less than a week. And it even qualified for the BMWMOA 10% parts rebate. A couple of hours of labor and a 3.5 hour long firmware update ?!? on my 2023 GSA, and I was all set. It’s nice to have the bike be whole, and of course the light is significantly better than the halogen at night.

I've had no luck with getting my headlight until today. I called the Dulles BMW shop and they located the headlight for me...I have ordered one thru my local dealership and it should be here next week.

Here is the email info I received from the Dulles shop. They see 62 in the Nazareth PA warehouse.

It sounds like there's some confusion and mixed messages coming from the dealership regarding the LED headlight upgrade for your R1250GSA. Based on similar cases, it's crucial to get clarity directly from BMW or check if there's an official update on their website. A proactive approach could include contacting BMW customer service or joining a BMW motorcycle forum where members might share similar experiences and updates. Interestingly, I had a similar problem with my VW and stumbled upon a helpful site called leds.to. They have a ton of articles about LEDs and lighting in general which helped me change everything on my own in just a few days with a minimal budget. Maybe they'll give you an idea on how to approach your situation.
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I recently got my GSA back. I was charged $550 for the lights (vs the $500 discount I received when I bought the bike), so I only had a $50 spread. I also paid about $180 for installation. What a difference those lights make compared to the halogens. Well worth the month I paid. Really glad to have this resolved.