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2014 BMW R12R Left Cylinder Head Help (Timing?)


New member
I have a 2014 R12R and have to replace my left cylinder head. My question is do I need to perform the “cam chain adjustment” for timing with the specialized bmw tools (111512, 111514) or do the tensioners not need adjusting if simply removing and placing back in?
I have read a handful of conflicting threads that say its necessary and others saying that the bike automatically takes out the slack

My haynes manual has left me a bit confused so I would greatly appreciate your input in this situation.

TLDR: I have to replace my left cylinder head and dont know if I need to adjust timing or if I’m good to just swap heads and ride.

BTW I am in South Florida, I have been trying some local numbers on the MOA anon and haven't gotten much luck so far.
Seems like your bike could be on the cusp of the Hex/Cam-Wethead series.
If it’s a Wethead, (water cooled) I can move your post to the Wethead section.
Welcome to the forum!
Good luck with your repair.
Surprisingly enough the 2014 R12R is the last of the 1200 Camheads. Thanks! Looking forward to riding it soon!
@boxflyer chimed in on Wes's thread on another forum with great tips, so he has the info he needed from there.

Summation: Yes, timing adjustment is needed, tools and process is similar to a cam timing adjustment.
I’m pretty green to the forum scene so thats my bad for spamming forums with the issue. Regardless, tech info and tips have been greatly appreciated guys, thanks!