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/2 VIN Numbers, Model Years, and Build Dates

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Staff member
In the following posts are PDF files containing a running list of VIN numbers for the /2 era bikes from 1955 to 1969. BMW didn't publish infomation as to the break between model years as they started to do with the /5 models. One reason that might explain this is that there was really little difference in each model from year to year, except with the change from the first offerings of the R69, R60, and R50 to the sports models and the advent of the "/2" with the 1961 models. Minor improvements were made over the years, but nothing that warranted calling them new models. Thus, an R69S from the early 1960s is essentially the same as one produced near the end.

These lists have been compiled based upon owner's information and other minings from the web to help show when some of these model year breaks may have occurred. BMW Group Classic used to provide an owner specific information about their individual VIN to include build date, color, and where delivered if the info is available. However, as of March 2024 and due to the huge increase in requests, BMW Classic no longer does this for free. They will provide a "birth certificate" for 125 Euros. They can be contacted at to start that process:


These lists will be updated from time to time as new information is found. If you have any info that you would like to be included, please PM me. These lists are completely anonymous and the personal information regarding who belongs to which bike are not retained.
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R69 and R69S

This list is for the R69 and R69S models. Along the right hand side of the listing is an attempt to identify where the model year might have delineated. One shows how the years would have been divided if the total production was divided evenly across the model years 1961 to 1969. The other shows how the division might appear based upon the model designations provided by the owners.

A build date doesn't define the model year as clearly as it does for the /5-on bikes. In many instances, BMW may have built bikes and left them at the factory without VIN numbers stamped on the cases. They were only then brought out and stamped when the demand increased or dealers called for more inventory.


  • R69S Model Dates.pdf
    17.4 KB · Views: 89
  • R69S Model Production Rates.pdf
    61.8 KB · Views: 75
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R60 and R60/2

Here is the list for the R60 and R60/2 models.


  • R60 Model Dates.pdf
    46.7 KB · Views: 177
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R50 and R50/2

Here is the list for the R50 and R50/2 models.


  • R50 Model Dates.pdf
    10.5 KB · Views: 160
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Here's a small list for the R68.


  • R68 Model Dates.pdf
    6 KB · Views: 14
  • R68 Model Dates.pdf
    42.5 KB · Views: 17
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Post-War Singles

I have been collecting some information on post-war single cylinder bikes. Pretty sketchy but something to build on.


  • Singles Model Dates.pdf
    40.6 KB · Views: 48
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