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1996 K1100RS question



....may buy this bike from a feller, he claims it is a 1996 K1100RS SE, all the SE models I have ever seen have been black and silver with the polished Marachozzi (sp?) forks, this one is Marakesh Red with black forks (and no Marachozzi decal that I can see) ...anyone ever seen an 1996 SE in this paint scheme or is it a standard K11RS (pic is attached), he did send me this link that shows a K11RS SE in 1996 in Marakesh but it is a UK link, maybe this is a UK bike if a legit SE...

http://www.bmbikes.co.uk/photos/colourcharts/1996 (2).jpg

any help would be great


PS: SE or no, it is a nice bike and may buy it either way


  • K1100RS.jpg
    82.8 KB · Views: 140
last 7 of vin are: 6496733

comes up as a K1100RS with a build date in July 1995, but not sure it would say anything different if it was an SE or not....anyone wanna run the last 7 of a KNOWN "SE" and see if the website sez so?
K1100RS SE model

Check out this link: http://www.beemergarage.com/sales_brochures.html, scoll down and have a look at the full line sales brochure for 1996.
It should answer your questions. The black/silver paint was the SE model not the marakesh red. I think the only real difference between the SE and non SE models is the paint.
I have a 1995 K1100RS in Marakesh red. :thumb
The K1100RS in Marakesh are fast ones. ;)

...the only real difference between the SE and non SE models is the paint....

yup, that's about it. not worth any extra $, just decide if you like that paint scheme or not, along with the rest of the bike.
i prefer the darker red...

(and no, that was not/is not my riding attire)
I have a 1996 BMW sales brochure showing all their bikes for that year. The bike you have in the photo is identical to the the red K1100RS SE in the brochure, black forks and all. The black and silver one is in there also with the chrome forks.
In the 1996 brochure, "The two special models in the Night black/Artic Silver metallic with the polished fork slider tubes or the Marrakesh red with a black driveline ..... with a bold extra-wide model badge."