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1993 K1100LT tachometer not registering properly.


New member
I have a '93 K1100 and the tach seems to have a mind of its own. It idles at 2500 rpm and running through the gears it's registering over 7500 rpm. The engine isn't screaming, just running like it always has. It just turned 90,000 miles. I was wondering where the pick up is located if maybe there is some debris caught there. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I believe it uses the signal from the Hall Effect sensor to the ICU which sends a signal to the #1 coil and the tach driver circuit board inside the tach. I would think your problem is with the ICU, #1 coil, tach driver board OR the connector pins on the back of the instrument cluster, the pins on the ICU, the #1 coil connection, or the tach connector pins inside the cluster. Since the circuit boards are no longer available, you can try cleaning connector pins or replace the cluster or coil with a used one. :dunno

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I believe it uses the signal from the Hall Effect sensor to the ICU which sends a signal to the #1 coil and the tach driver circuit board inside the tach. I would think your problem is with the ICU, #1 coil, tach driver board OR the connector pins on the back of the instrument cluster, the pins on the ICU, the #1 coil connection, or the tach connector pins inside the cluster. Since the circuit boards are no longer available, you can try cleaning connector pins or replace the cluster or coil with a used one. :dunno

I'll give that a try, thanks