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  1. I

    Riding from Pennsylvania to the Rally

    I've never been out west on my m/c. Never had time to get there and get back in the time I had available. Retired now and considering attending the Montana Rally (assuming I can find a babysitter for my dog). I hate fighting semi's and heavy traffic on freeways, but it's a long way to Montana...
  2. fox_85

    Seeking: 1978 BMW R100RS in Harvest Gold

    Hello everybody-- Hoping the community can help me out with a small request.. I am looking for a particular 1978 BMW R100RS in Harvest Gold, with the VIN 6182967R1001RS. I did a VIN search and found that as of 2014 it was titled in PA, and is still titled there. At the time it had about 78k...
  3. kurtzinpa

    Videos from NEFL Camp Blanding Rally 2013

    Here's a link to 8 minutes of the base tour ride. A good time was had by all.
  4. B

    Cincinnati to State College PA suggested route

    Plan my ride from Carbondale, IL to State College PA mid August. Want to avoid interstate to the extent possible. Have friends in Cincinnati and route planned to there. Need advice for next leg-- one or two days? Buck