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  1. missin44

    Have you attended MotoGP Austin from out of town?

    I'm planning on riding down from Colorado to Austin for the 2024 MotoGP. I'm somewhat familiar with Austin. I'm looking for recommendations for areas to stay. Downtown Austin, is fun but it was a zoo when there a few years ago during the F1 race. I'm guessing MotoGP is less so, but I really...
  2. A

    Bike rentals near Austin, TX?

    Friends are flying in from Europe for MotoGP in April and want to go riding in the Hill Country. Does anyone happen to know of a place near Austin to rent BMWs? I've tried the dealers. ONly option I know of is Harley dealers :-( Thanks for any ideas.
  3. M

    Ride from SoCal to COTA in April

    I have been planning a pretty trip but I already have riding SoCal to TX to attend MotoGP in April in the back of my mind. Would anyone be interested in this idea?
  4. M

    Austin to Indy

    ...in a cultural sense, Central Texas to Middle America! Despite Google Maps' best endeavors, I avoided the interstates and saw a lot of rural highways, small towns, and American eccentricities between Austin and Indianapolis. I know itÔÇÖs a stretch to think of this as a trip report, BUT in...