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I’m planning a ride this winter through Mexico to Guatemala. I’ve driven through several years ago with my family (4 kids and wife in a full sized van) so I’m not totally clueless as to Mexican roads, etc. but haven’t done anything of the sort solo on two wheels. I have an R1150RT. I have pretty...
Plan: Early retirement (55) June 2020. Depart PNW (Seattle area) then take my 1200GSA on a slow & backroads journey to Merida (Yucatan) where my brother has house/garage for safe keeping. Duration unknown at this time. Departure probably Sept 2020. Basic heading is a diagonal down through...
Hello fellow Bavarian riders who don't salute other riders :):wave. Planning a motorcycle ride before it gets too cold, so within the next 30 days or so, from California to Guadalajara, actually about 70 miles north of it, visiting a buddy for couple of days and back to California. This is my...
I'm new to the forum, so I hope I do this correctly!:)
Does anyone have a good link or other resource suggestion for my planned trip from California to Chiapas, Mexico? Insurance, roads, accommodations, repairs, fuel, and general advice?
Thanks a million!
Just wanted to put some feelers out for any advice or stories from the border. My friend and I are making a long distance circuit of the US starting and ending in Boston and will be traveling along the TX, NM, AZ, and CA border with Mexico for a bit. The southern leg of our journey is...
Wife and I are riding to the Mexico national BMW rally, which is in Uruapan this year. Went last year when it was in Durango, Mexico. Had a ball. Going to cross the border at Ojinaga, hit the beach at San Blas, and hang out for a couple of days in Lake Chapala before going on to the rally...