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2023 April 1, Ride To Eat, Northweat TN, See the Eagles


New member
Hi all,
My suggestion for the winter doldrums is to put this SPRING RTE on your calendar and you'll be part of the magic of wishing for better riding conditions in the new season, promise! Ride Safe everyone and see you in Northwest Tennessee, Tiptonville on Saturday April 1st; First Saturday in April. Please register via Ride Master https://rides.jasonjonas.com/regRequest.php?id=862 so I'll know how big a room to reserve and how many for the boat tours?

Boyette's Restaurant in Tiptonville, TN, Eating begins at 11:00am to 1:00pm. The kicking of tires and the telling of tall tales starts around 9:00am.

Boat Tours Are FULL

This ride is scheduled at the same time as the Bald Eagles' baby eaglets should be about two to three weeks old. The Ranger Station across the highway has had cameras on their nesting sites. So, if the Eagles cooperate and nest where the cameras are then you can see these magnificent birds close up. Additionally, the Ranger Station has other live examples of wildlife including two Bald Eagles that are injured and can't hunt for themselves, so you'll see Eagles regardless. http://www.reelfoot.com/eagles.htm

Boyette's serves family style and is described below: Since 1921 Boyette's has been one of west Tennessee's top restaurants. People from all over a four-state area make the drive every week to experience the true flavor of the south. Just make sure you're hungry, because their specialty is serving up generous portions of Catfish, Country Ham, Fried Chicken and more. Put it together with some homemade hushpuppies, onion rings and country vegetables and it's not just a meal it's an experience. http://www.reelfoot.com/boyettes/index.htm

Boyette's Dining Room (N36 21.643 W89 25.985) Hwy. 21 Tiptonville, TN 38079

Ride Safe, Think Fast!
Hi all,
My suggestion for the winter doldrums is to put this SPRING RTE on your calendar and you'll be part of the magic of wishing for better riding conditions in the new season, promise! Ride Safe everyone and see you in Northwest Tennessee, Tiptonville on Saturday April 1st; First Saturday in April. Please register via Ride Master https://rides.jasonjonas.com/regRequest.php?id=862 so I'll know how big a room to reserve and how many for the boat tours?

Boyette's Restaurant in Tiptonville, TN, Eating begins at 11:00am to 1:00pm. The kicking of tires and the telling of tall tales starts around 9:00am.

Boat Tours Are FULL

This ride is scheduled at the same time as the Bald Eagles' baby eaglets should be about two to three weeks old. The Ranger Station across the highway has had cameras on their nesting sites. So, if the Eagles cooperate and nest where the cameras are then you can see these magnificent birds close up. Additionally, the Ranger Station has other live examples of wildlife including two Bald Eagles that are injured and can't hunt for themselves, so you'll see Eagles regardless. http://www.reelfoot.com/eagles.htm

Boyette's serves family style and is described below: Since 1921 Boyette's has been one of west Tennessee's top restaurants. People from all over a four-state area make the drive every week to experience the true flavor of the south. Just make sure you're hungry, because their specialty is serving up generous portions of Catfish, Country Ham, Fried Chicken and more. Put it together with some homemade hushpuppies, onion rings and country vegetables and it's not just a meal it's an experience. http://www.reelfoot.com/boyettes/index.htm

Boyette's Dining Room (N36 21.643 W89 25.985) Hwy. 21 Tiptonville, TN 38079

Ride Safe, Think Fast!

In about a week (April 1) some GREAT catfish and camaraderie with be served up at Boyette's Family Style Restaurant in Tiptonville, TN! You are welcome to have some.

Ride Safe, Think Fast!

Good Luck up yonder in Tiptonville. You’re accessible to various states to participate!

Do post your after-action report; numbers seated for lunch & was the food worth the effort!

Our 2nd Sat R2E is in the middle of the state (in order to attract visitors from all over Alabama...). No Dah! :eat

Headed to the White House Restaurant, 9830 Old Highway 31, south of Warrior/north of BHM - just off I-65. Meet-up after 11:00 or so for meat+three. Good old-fashioned family fare. Big buffet; many tables. :nod


Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen