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If you were retired and could live anywhere?

yes often done

Where I live now as I have learned in my 3 years here, lots of well heeled folks come to there home here for the summer and go back to their Arizona place for the winter. I actually love winter here too as I ski snowshoe etc. This wildfire stuff is getting old now though. Keeping my options open.
Plumas Co

Which is.....

A tiny burg called Graeagle in Plumas Co Ca where I am watching the plume of smoke from the Dixie fire. When I go on my favorite motor ride I get to see the huge plume from that and the Caldor fire.:(

My permanent address is in Texas but I stay/live in Taiwan part of the time. Been doing that since '99 and Taiwan is a great place for an older person who like some conveniences. There's eating places, stores, doctors, etc. all within walking distance from my house. But, yet I can jump on my Kymco Racing King 180 and be in the mountains or the beach in 30 minutes. Medical attention here is great and inexpensive even if you don't have a green card. I can walk any street any time of the day or night without worrying about getting jumped and knocked in the head. I used to own a car here but never drove it hardly. MRT here is great and taxis are cheap for in-town jaunts. The HSR (Hi-speed Train) runs at almost 300kph and I can be at the International airport in an hour which would take a bus 3.5 hours to get there. It's not all good but outweighs the bad. Happy hunting and retirement.
.....The HSR (Hi-speed Train) runs at almost 300kph and I can be at the International airport in an hour which would take a bus 3.5 hours to get there....

This may be helpful when you see landing craft approaching from the west.

This may be helpful when you see landing craft approaching from the west.


I think it will be too late at that point. If the USA continues to back Taiwan, it won't happen. If not, then I guess I will be following China's new rules just implemented; no computer games during the week and no more girly boy shows on TV; I can live with that. Or, I'll hightail it back to Texas.:usa
We’ll be heading to SoCal, San Diego County, to set up shop and retire.


Great riding, decent weather. Mexico is nearby. And there’s a decent city close. LA isn’t far and I kind of like lots of Los Angeles.

It’s not for everyone., thank goodness. We could move just about anywhere in the US, but after there as a kid, being located elsewhere for 25 years and now 22 years in NorCal, we want to stay in the state that has provided us so much opportunity and growth.

You’ll have to come visit.
Sounds odd But..
A civil engineer friend and I discuss this.
With the drought situation in the West it could get real bad, REAL BAD
He thinks southern Minnesota might be a nice place to be.
Tough in the winter but thats life.
The heat in the SW in the summer is not for me