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ear buds

  1. D

    Ear buds in a helmet?

    Has anyone tried using Bluetooth earbuds inside a helmet? I am too cheap to pop for the Sena stuff, but on some trips, it would be nice to listen to some tunes. Most buds look like they will never stay put inside the helmet, let alone while you pull the helmet on. They do offer some active...
  2. derost

    Latest and Greatest Stereo Earbuds

    So I just got a new set of stereo earbuds from Big Ear and these things are amazing! They are the first on the market that allow you to switch between a short cord, long cord, and a bluetooth cord. I have just taken some rides and hooked into my Sena 20S I can't believe the difference. I run XM...
  3. BMUUsed

    Music to my ears

    Over the years I've experimented with different systems for listening to music on long rides (10-12 hrs. per day). To make matters worse, I wear a modular helmet and like to ride with my face shield open, wearing sunglasses, so wind noise is a factor. A couple of years ago, I discovered Ear...