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BMW 51L SportBag Review



I just picked mine up today. Nice bag, but it doesn't work on the rack or seat when I have the sport panniers installed on my F800ST
? for Chitown

I notice you have the small cable lock in your stuff. I have that one also and can't remember how to change the combination. any clue? Thanks.

Oh, and nice bag too!
robertran - turn it backwards and it fits well on the rack with the panniers (BMW anyway) on the ST. Mine went 15,000 kms like that last year.



Thanks for the review and the photos. I save photos that'll help me with set-up and accessories, and this bag will likely find its way into my garage.

Is the weight of the tent an issue when you strap it to the unsprung part of the front forks?

'07 R1200R
I notice you have the small cable lock in your stuff. I have that one also and can't remember how to change the combination. any clue? Thanks.

Oh, and nice bag too!

I am away from my stuff on a business trip, I can look when I get home... send me a PM to remind me if I forget...


Is the weight of the tent an issue when you strap it to the unsprung part of the front forks?

'07 R1200R

It hasn't been in my 10's of thousands of miles with it on it so far. The tent only weighs 7 pounds, the bag is maybe a pound...
My main concern was it rubbing on the headlamp housing, but I've found a way to compress the tent on the outsides, leaving the center squishy and soft so there's no real pressure on it. I use Gaffer's Tape to protect the fork tubes and front fender.

I notice you have the small cable lock in your stuff. I have that one also and can't remember how to change the combination. any clue? Thanks.

Oh, and nice bag too!

I am away from my stuff on a business trip, I can look when I get home... send me a PM to remind me if I forget...


Is the weight of the tent an issue when you strap it to the unsprung part of the front forks?

'07 R1200R

It hasn't been in my 10's of thousands of miles with it on it so far. The tent only weighs 7 pounds, the bag is maybe a pound...
My main concern was it rubbing on the headlamp housing, but I've found a way to compress the tent on the outsides, leaving the center squishy and soft so there's no real pressure on it. I use Gaffer's Tape to protect the fork tubes and front fender.

BTW, the bag does fit on the R with the hard bags on, though you do have to un-clip one of the straps to open the hard bag.... Not really a problem for me because this 51L bag is replacing my hard bags and top box for trips. I'm doing a 17 day adventure coming up with this bag, a small H2W roll top, and my tent bag only. The more room I have, the more crap I'll bring, the heavier my bike is, so less is more for me...

I use the bag on the pillion seat of my 1150RT with the top box. The back straps are attached to the rack and the front two are attached to the otherwise useless helmet locks under the seat.

It makes a nice back rest for one-up travel. I also find that it does block the sidecase handles, but unclipping that side of the bag allows enough clearance to open the sidecase with no problem.
I'm not in the market for a new bag , because I strap kayaking dry bags to the tops of my hard bags via bungee buddies. They look like blue torpedoes armed and ready to fire. Plus it doesn't take up the passenger seat in case the wifey is along. I can fasten a tailbag to the seat if she's not.

But I want to compliment ChiTown on an excellent review. Those photos are a terrific visual aid to the narrative. :clap

Good on ya, mate.