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Hawaii Riding Opportunities


I have an opportunity to work in Hawaii for about 18 months and was thinking of shipping my R1200RT over there. How are the riding opportunities? All I've heard is that the traffic around Honolulu is brutal. I will be living on Oahu.

Anyone have any experience living/riding in Hawaii?

I have limited experience and it is all on Oahu. Were I in your position I would consider leaving the RT on the mainland and then looking for a used lightweight (500cc or less) bike to run around the island. Seems to me that ridding an RT on Oahu (and I used to ride one) would be like using an aircraft carrier in a small boat regatta.
I have an opportunity to work in Hawaii for about 18 months and was thinking of shipping my R1200RT over there. How are the riding opportunities? All I've heard is that the traffic around Honolulu is brutal. I will be living on Oahu.

Anyone have any experience living/riding in Hawaii?


It's best to get advice from those of us that live in the islands.

Why do you have a bike? I have a bike to ride unconditionally and any chance I get. Our group of 11 BMW members consists of five RT's '06 to '12. If you enjoy your RT and love riding I vote to bring it.

I am not sure where you are looking to live and where you will be working but I can likely provide some insight there as well.

If you have other questions or would like to chat about the possible relocation please send me a PM.

It's best to get advice from those of us that live in the islands.

Why do you have a bike? I have a bike to ride unconditionally and any chance I get. Our group of 11 BMW members consists of five RT's '06 to '12. If you enjoy your RT and love riding I vote to bring it.

I am not sure where you are looking to live and where you will be working but I can likely provide some insight there as well.

If you have other questions or would like to chat about the possible relocation please send me a PM.


I have an opportunity to work in Hawaii for about 18 months and was thinking of shipping my R1200RT over there. How are the riding opportunities? All I've heard is that the traffic around Honolulu is brutal. I will be living on Oahu.

Anyone have any experience living/riding in Hawaii?


It's best to get advice from those of us that live in the islands.

Why do you have a bike? I have a bike to ride unconditionally and any chance I get. Our group of 11 BMW members consists of five RT's '06 to '12. If you enjoy your RT and love riding I vote to bring it.

I am not sure where you are looking to live and where you will be working but I can likely provide some insight there as well.

If you have other questions or would like to chat about the possible relocation please send me a PM.


Well now, let's see, I live on an island; I guess I'm qualified to give some advice. I have ridden a bmw (1100r) all over an island and I have ridden a 125cc scooter all over the same island and I would choose the scooter every time. In reference to my island, there is just to much traffic when off the highway and when on the highway there are just to many cops looking for me to get over 100kph. The scooter is just much more fun in the limited space that my island has plus much cheaper on initial purchase and fuel. I still ride once a week on a 1150gs with a group (some bmw's, harleys, and some Japanese bikes) and even though its fun, it's frustrating having to go so slow most of the time. Going 90kph on a 125cc scooter is much more exciting.

My son-in-law was stationed in Oahu (Schofield) for 5 years and I visited as often as I could. I rode his Honda around the island a few times; it was a lot of fun and always better than a cage.


I've heard that the speed limit in Hawaii is 35 mph everywhere - true?

And why does my Rand-McNally road atlas show that Hawaii has "Interstates"???
I've heard that the speed limit in Hawaii is 35 mph everywhere - true?

And why does my Rand-McNally road atlas show that Hawaii has "Interstates"???

Speed limit is not 35 everywhere though that is the case for many surface streets. There's an interstate system H1, H2 and H3. Interstate speed limits range from 50-60, actual speed likely avgs 60-75 depending on road and traffic conditions.

More than you ever care to know regarding the Interstate system can be found here:
