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Rich's Custom Upholstery kudos



With all the negative stuff that goes around about various suppliers I wanted to share with you a story about one of the good guys.

I had placed a bid on ebay for a back rest pad for a 1150 topcase.. I emailed the seller and asked if what he was selling would fit my 1150GS case. He emailed me back that it would.. I won the auction and got a great deal.

The pad was sent to me and it did not fit. The pad was for a different 1150 topcase.. I contacted the Seller Rich's Custom Upholstery -206-524-2274-www.richscustomseats.com . Rich quickly responded that he would make the correct pad and send it to me even though he would normally charge 2 times more than I paid for the original pad.. I received the custom 2 pc pad today and I couldnt be happier.

Rich sells custom seats, pads, backrests etc. I strongly recommend his services to our members. I believe he is an advertiser in the MOA mag as well
Thanks for the report snoone, it is good to hear some good stuff. It is a contact worth keeping for the inevitable future use, thanks again,