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Where does it go?

Rob Nye

Ritalin Poster Boy
If there is not a 'no trespassing' sign, go find out. It's called 'adventure'.

Off the beaten path indeed!

I have one of those paths, and would prefer that anyone ask before proceeding.

I know that trespass is just a tort violation unless the owner has proper "no trespass" signage in place, but IMHO unless the sign says "public property come on in" assume it's private, and ask first; the better way to gain access to remote country, and the better way to make new friends!
ummmm.... the acronym IMHO is frowned upon here. :buds

(it harshes the buzz....) :jose


gone riding.
I have one of those paths, and would prefer that anyone ask before proceeding.

I know that trespass is just a tort violation unless the owner has proper "no trespass" signage in place, but IMHO unless the sign says "public property come on in" assume it's private, and ask first; the better way to gain access to remote country, and the better way to make new friends!


I never ride on private property without the permission of the owner. I prefer to let the loud pipes pirates be the bad boys of motorcycling.

Fortunately for me we have a lot of class IV (unmaintained historical right of ways) here in New England. They are still on the maps as roads so it is legal to ride them.

The photo in the first post is a trail on Hunter Mountain, it popped out on a double diamond ski trail, no way I was going to try going down it so I turned around and made it to the top on service roads.

I have one of those paths, and would prefer that anyone ask before proceeding.

I know that trespass is just a tort violation unless the owner has proper "no trespass" signage in place, but IMHO unless the sign says "public property come on in" assume it's private, and ask first; the better way to gain access to remote country, and the better way to make new friends!

I agree...I stand (sit actually) corrected.
I should have put a 'smiley man' ;) to indicate humour.
I still think that he should go find out 'were it goes', after asking the owners permission of course.
have a good day


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I think we found that road near Asheville...before the sign...three diff GPS's took us down a narrowing uphill dead end:laugh:laugh:laugh
Oh dear Lord more GS stuff?
Yikes. Yes please after all we don't have enough of that already.
By the way "i" before "e" except after "c"
If we are to govern we should at least know how to spell.
I like my TW 200 . . .


and the roads it takes me through . . .

Where does it go? Go 3/4 miles and turn right after this trail becomes a dirt road and you are in my driveway. The road I live on was the main road from Lebanon to Windham CT back in the early 1800's. Only the first 1/2 mile (at the other end.) is maintained these days and the rest is like this.


  • old end of lod highway.jpg
    old end of lod highway.jpg
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Oh dear Lord more GS stuff?
Yikes. Yes please after all we don't have enough of that already.
By the way "i" before "e" except after "c"
If we are to govern we should at least know how to spell.

Yeah! No one likes the GS. What is BMW's top seller? Iether way, I like them all!