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need help from houston-ites



im thinking of riding my bike down to houston. ive resisted doing this in the past because ive gone by car and it's dull dull dull. but im thinking maybe if i take a more circuitous route, it'll be more interesting for me. im considering going all the way around houston to the north and crossing at the port bolivar ferry. im not averse to a southerly route either.

have any advice on a fun route to take from austin?

wow. zero responses. this is apparently a great way to decide if you want to go ride someplace/live there. you ask for tips, and you get the sound of silence. maybe there are a bunch of lurkers in houston...

ok, i took a swag at it. go here. you can click on various parts of the route to see which roads ive chosen. if i missed a good one, please tell me. if i've chosen a really awful one, please tell me. if you can't read this, please tell me.

it really is an awful place. note the wide berth im giving it. this is preferable to driving right through the middle.

maybe no one responded because theyve all been crushed to death on the highways... roundels pressed into the near-molten pavement. very sad.

or maybe theyve all moved. that'd be better.
I have very little good to say about Houston. I think the best thing I can say about it is to relate the tale of a hole-in-the-wall Indian restaurant where I had some very good goat curry (I sh1t you not!). I won't go into the story but it was tasty!