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How do I make my digital photo small enough to attach?


The size limit for attachments is 160Kb. If your photo is larger than that, you will get an error.

The easiest way to resize your image is by using a free application called Irfanview. You can download Irfanview here.

I'm sorry mac users, it's only for windows.
Better yet, use smugmug!

As fish and Kbasa can attest, the best thing to do is get yourself a smugmug account.

Then you can join the MOA Photo community and share all your bike pics, ride reports, and everything else.

Then, you use the IMG button while posting. And it'll be displayed *in* your post, instead of as an annoying attachment.


Wha'bout Pbase?

onethumb said:
As fish and Kbasa can attest, the best thing to do is get yourself a smugmug account.

Then you can join the MOA Photo community and share all your bike pics, ride reports, and everything else.

Then, you use the IMG button while posting. And it'll be displayed *in* your post, instead of as an annoying attachment.



Won't a PBASE (www.pbase.com) account work, too?

-Hopster (Lo Fish)
Re: Wha'bout Pbase?

Hoppy said:
Won't a PBASE (www.pbase.com) account work, too?

-Hopster (Lo Fish)

Yup, Pbase, or any web located photo will work.

The picture I have of Don Hamblin and Sandy Cohen is actually a link from the MOA home site.

Re: Re: Wha'bout Pbase?

KBasa said:
Yup, Pbase, or any web located photo will work.

The picture I have of Don Hamblin and Sandy Cohen is actually a link from the MOA home site.


OK, here's a test...


Did that work?



  • Glamorgan001.jpg
    131.8 KB · Views: 7
Re: Re: Re: Re: Wha'bout Pbase?

Eric Blume said:
Your getting about the same luck as I am with pbase.

I've also had some problems with pbase. Might be growing pains. At the risk of spamming, I've had excellent luck with smugmug.com. Availability and speed has been awesome.
