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BG's Birthday run to Beemer



This past Saturday, while the Kbasas were settling into their seats at Mandalay Bay (see Rally Forum - 2005 Rally in Vegas), I was taking no prisoners out on the highways of the Midwest. Actually, I was freezing my arse off. I decided to do a Saddle Sore 1000 for my birthday this past weekend. I was inspired to do this after spending some time with a certain K-bike (now GSA :evil)Iron Butt guy. I wanted to see what 1000 miles in 24 hours felt like.

I left at 10:00 AM on Saturday 9/27 from Madison, Wisconsin, rode to Beemer, Nebraska, then back home to Milwaukee. The first leg was really windy but I made great time and it was very enjoyable. My bike did a weird thing where it wouldn't start right away a couple of times, but my 28 year old bike does funky stuff like that every once in a while. She's a 1975 R90/6. I got to the midpoint of Beemer, Nebraska at about 6:30 PM. It's just Northwest of Omaha.

I stopped in Des Moines on the way back to rest for a few hours and started the second leg at 2:15 AM Sunday. Cold, cold, cold. I could see my breath. A toll booth guy said that I was 'hard core.' I told him 'probably just dumb.' It was sure nice to have a smile and a thumbs up from him though. My shoulders, arms and hands were getting pretty stiff by about 6:30 AM when it got light out. My speed was down and I had to stop more frequently than on the first leg. At 8:55 AM 9/28 I got my finishing receipt and the gas station attendant kindly witnessed it. Home at 9:00 AM. 1053 miles on the odometer and 23 hours elapsed. Mapquest says 1047. I can't think anything I would rather have done to celebrate my (gulp) 36th.
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boxergrrlie said:
This past Saturday, while the Kbasas were settling into their seats at Mandalay Bay (see Rally Forum - 2005 Rally in Vegas), I was taking no prisoners out on the highways of the Midwest. Actually, I was freezing my arse off. I decided to do a Saddle Sore 1000 for my birthday this past weekend. I was inspired to do this after spending some time with a certain K-bike (now GSA :evil)Iron Butt guy. I wanted to see what 1000 miles in 24 hours felt like.

I left at 10:00 AM on Saturday 9/27 from Madison, Wisconsin, rode to Beemer, Nebraska, then back home to Milwaukee. The first leg was really windy but I made great time and it was very enjoyable. My bike did a weird thing where it wouldn't start right away a couple of times, but my 28 year old bike does funky stuff like that every once in a while. She's a 1975 R90/6. I got to the midpoint of Beemer, Nebraska at about 6:30 PM. It's just Northwest of Omaha.

I stopped in Des Moines on the way back to rest for a few hours and started the second leg at 2:15 AM Sunday. Cold, cold, cold. I could see my breath. A toll booth guy said that I was 'hard core.' I told him 'probably just dumb.' It was sure nice to have a smile and a thumbs up from him though. My shoulders, arms and hands were getting pretty stiff by about 6:30 AM when it got light out. My speed was down and I had to stop more frequently than on the first leg. At 8:55 AM 9/28 I got my finishing receipt and the gas station attendant kindly witnessed it. Home at 9:00 AM. 1053 miles on the odometer and 23 hours elapsed. Mapquest says 1047. I can't think anything I would rather have done to celebrate my (gulp) 36th.

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but here's me in Beemer:


Thanks for the reality check. To listen to us moan, you'd think you need a heated seat, GPS, valentine radar detector, and a hard won perfect bubble of air behind a huge fairing to ride further than the local gas station.


Might you have a better picture?
I'm having a tough time with this attachment - here's another attempt!


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boxergrrlie said:
I decided to do a Saddle Sore 1000 for my birthday this past weekend. [...] I left at 10:00 AM on Saturday 9/27 from Madison, Wisconsin, rode to Beemer, Nebraska, then back home to Milwaukee. [...] At 8:55 AM 9/28 I got my finishing receipt and the gas station attendant kindly witnessed it.
Sad news for ya. If you didn't read the rules... a gas station attendant is not qualified to witness the finish if you want to be certified.

I rode 1008 miles yesterday, from Mountain Home, Arkansas to my home in Fort Collins, Colorado, just cuz. I had two days scheduled but... why burn vacation days when you don't need to?

Saw Voni at the Chain Gang Jailbreak in Mena, Arkansas on Saturday. Went by a store on Sunday in Yellville, AR called "Red's Corner" (I think). They had a RED building with RED cars in the lot and a sign that said, "We like EVERYTHING RED, RED cars, REDnecks... " and I was past it. (Hi Voni!)

- Flash
Flash -

For my start I had my brother, his girlfriend and the gas station witness. For my finish I had the gas station attendant and my dog sitter witness. Witnesses at the gas stations throughout. And at the motel. The more the merrier.

However, on the IBA site it says that a gas station attendant is OK for an SS: "In order to document your ride, the Iron Butt Association requires that obtain an eyewitness to document the start of your ride. Witnesses for the basic SaddleSore 1000 and Bun Burner 1500 may be a friend (but not one on the ride with you), spouse or even gas station attendant willing to answer a letter from the IBA about your start or end time. " Maybe it's different for the longer rides.

Apologies for the technical difficulties. I haven't had trouble attaching photos before. I guess you'll have to live with the small image.


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Re: Re: BG's Birthday run to Beemer

flash412 said:
Sad news for ya. If you didn't read the rules... a gas station attendant is not qualified to witness the finish if you want to be certified.

You know what you accomplished. Who cares if some else recognizes or certified it. Personal accomplishments are just that, personal. Good for you!

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Hey Happy Birthday and congratulations on your accomplishment.

Last weekend I celebrated my birthday with a much shorter 350 mile ride in NY State. Any miles are good miles as long as its fun right
Birthdays are a good reason to ride. :)

I just got back from a little jaunt myself.

Hey there BG,

Congratulations on your SS1k. Don't worry about a thing for a SS the gas station attendant will be fine.


Rob Nye


What a wonderful feeling it is to accomplish a difficult goal!!

And Flash said:

>>Saw Voni at the Chain Gang Jailbreak in Mena, Arkansas on Saturday. Went by a store on Sunday in Yellville, AR called "Red's Corner" (I think). They had a RED building with RED cars in the lot and a sign that said, "We like EVERYTHING RED, RED cars, REDnecks... " and I was past it. (Hi Voni!)

Hi, Flash ; )
Guess I should have followed you instead of just heading home. RED rocks!!

Good for you

Hey Boxer Lady,
Atta girl. (or the PC version "Atta person")
All this and more for you.
Your choice of a turnaround town was impressive.
You rule.

As a gray haired old dude of 45, I make the following vow:
If I ever turn 36 again, I will do a 1000 miler.

Attagirl! I knew I liked you! I'm a fellow Libra turning fortyfreakingfive this Friday.

So MrsK and I are going camping. In the car.....
Birthdays suck, riding helps

Since the symbol for Libra is a scale, does that mean we're more balanced or (gasp) more unbalanced ?

Happy fortyfreakingfifth KBasa!
Happy Happy!

I'm sure it was a most enjoyable ride anyway. Just remember something, BG, I've got a daughter 2 years older than you, in case you want to start feeling OLD!!!!! We'll share some brew at a future time and place. Enjoy anyhow!

Happy belated Birthday!

Nice ride tale and who cares if the picture is too small :)

Wow, happy birthday- sounds like a great fun way to celebrate! I'll be 36 next summer so maybe I'll do likewise (or maybe sooner). I'm pretty sure I can since I did two 800 mile days through all sorts of weather almost exactly a year ago.

BTW cute pic- Love to ride with you sometime...! :D