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Charging my I Phone


New member
I've been searching for ways to plug my I Phone in while I ride. It has all my music, photos, etc. so on long rides it's just about depleted by the end of the day.

The BMW socket adapter gets you to where you can plug in a car/cigarette lighter thingy but that junction isn't water proof. I'm sure it wont be a good thing if it rains.

Whose found a good solution?
Good question with a good first response. Going to move to the gear section. Gary
I've done the Powerlet tank bag electrification kit on my Motorrad bag on my K16GT. Works great and I can branch off as many USB charging connectors as I want. I'm charging my iPhone, iPad, and a couple of video cameras. It's all quite weather proof.
Alternative to direct connect to battery

I use a rechargable charger. I can fully recharge my iPhone somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 times per charge. I brought it to Bloomsburg for the 2011 rally for my charging needs. I didn't initially buy it for motorcycle riding but find it suits my motorcycle riding needs. Your mileage will vary. Note: the one I bought can NOT recharge an iPad but they do make ones that can.

I also use it during days of heavy iPhone use and for when I travel. That's why I originally bought it. I bought mine Feb 2011 and have been very happy with it.

Here's a link to what I purchased from amazon.com: Rechargable charger link


I added a"car/cigarette lighter thingy" inside my unused radio box. I can now plug in phone and leave it locked up. My bike still has tuperware off if you need picture.
I spliced a SAE style connector into the dash lighting circuit of my RT,
then run that line into my tank bag when I'm on a trip. A dual 12V
cig plug then powers the GPS and a charger. The cords route out
at one end of the lid zipper.

I unplug it and put it away, but rain usually doesn't last long. I keep mine charged all day, leaving it plugged into cigarette lighter adapter thingy:), into BMW acces.outlet. Randy:usa
USB charger

I built this using the circuit board from an auto parts store adapter that had 2 12-volt sockets and a USB port. It is plugged into the harness using the BMW pigtail.


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I recently got a Motorola Razr and faced the same problem. I was going to drop $50 on the Powerlet cable but then figured out I could get a $3 mini USB to micro USB adapter and recharge it from the power cable for my Zumo (which runs right to the bike's battery). And I can leave the phone in my tank bag while it recharges.
I use a rechargable charger. I can fully recharge my iPhone somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 times per charge. I brought it to Bloomsburg for the 2011 rally for my charging needs. I didn't initially buy it for motorcycle riding but find it suits my motorcycle riding needs. Your mileage will vary. Note: the one I bought can NOT recharge an iPad but they do make ones that can.

I also use it during days of heavy iPhone use and for when I travel. That's why I originally bought it. I bought mine Feb 2011 and have been very happy with it.

Here's a link to what I purchased from amazon.com: Rechargable charger link



Based on this post, last spring I bought the New Trent charger referred to in this post. It has worked very well during our summer travels. We camp a great deal and it is not uncommon for us to not have access to power for several days at a time. The New Trent charger is able to keep my iPhone charged for up to 4 days at a time. It has proven to be tough and durable after being banged around all summer. Good product.
I've done the Powerlet tank bag electrification kit on my Motorrad bag on my K16GT. Works great and I can branch off as many USB charging connectors as I want. I'm charging my iPhone, iPad, and a couple of video cameras. It's all quite weather proof.

I've been doing this for years. Its really quite simple.
Here is a pic of the power outlet I have mounted on my GSA for just such use:

Slightly off topic, but since a portable battery charger was mentioned above, I thought I would show another trick for those of you who might use the GoPro wifibak. As you may know, with the wifibak, and its remote control, you can turn your GoPro camera on/off remotely, change between taking video or stills, choose single frame pictures or multiple frame shots (sports mode). With it, the only thing that needs to be left turned on is the wifibak that is mounted on the back of the camera.

The remote can be turned on easily when you need it and turned off if your not going to be shooting for a while. When you tuen the remote on or off, the camera will also turn on or off. But the wifibak must be left on for all of this to work. So it doesn't last long before it is out of power and must be recharged.

So I have one of these:

So, I can put this little thing called "Mophie" in my jacket, run a usb cable from it up to the wifibak. Here is a look at that:

This thing will charge things at about four times the speed that plugging into a wall outlet or computer usb outlet takes. And once it senses the the item is charged, it shuts itself off. And it has huge capacity. You can even charge a laptop with it.

With this guy, I can and have run all day shooting video and stills, listening to music on the phone, and never run out of power. The phone, I plug into the bike. That allows me to use this little guy to keep everything else charged. I can even charge the wifibak while I'm using it.
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I use a rechargable charger. I can fully recharge my iPhone somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 times per charge. I brought it to Bloomsburg for the 2011 rally for my charging needs. I didn't initially buy it for motorcycle riding but find it suits my motorcycle riding needs. Your mileage will vary. Note: the one I bought can NOT recharge an iPad but they do make ones that can.

I also use it during days of heavy iPhone use and for when I travel. That's why I originally bought it. I bought mine Feb 2011 and have been very happy with it.

Here's a link to what I purchased from amazon.com: Rechargable charger link


So, this is a rechargeable charger to recharge a device's battery? What happens when the rechargeable charger gets depleted? is there a rechargeable charger to recharge the rechargeable charger to recharge the device's battery? What has this world come to? :laugh No offense. Actually, it looks like a good idea. For campers, at least. For others, I guess they either go back home at night, or get to a hotel or motel, in wihich case, they can just recharge using the AC outlet. Or am I missing something?
We recently went on a 3,000 mile loop around the Great Lakes and were camping off the bikes. The other guys were running around campgrounds at night plugging stuff in to available sockets and then fretting over their security while out of sight. With the electric tank bag approach, my iPhone and my cameras were all completely charged when I turned in at night and got plugged back in underway first thing in the morning.

The only thing that was a remotely fussy item was the charge on my Sena BT equipped hat. The good thing is, even with an open bike2bike intercom channel open all dang day, the battery never failed even on 12+ hour riding days. So, I'd hang my Sena on their chargers at the camp ground or, the Sena has the feature that it will charge while it is in use. All it took was a USB cable going from the Sena on my hat into my tank bag for a few hours and it was fully charged again.

My K1600GT has a CANBUS powerlet port in the fairing and I plug the tank bag in there with a right angle cable. It's reasonably weather resistant (we rode in some torrential rain and never had a problem) and it's easy to disconnect and take the tank bag and all my electronic goodies into the restaurant with me.