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Riding in China

Scott C

New member
Will be going to Beijing/Shanghai and would like to know if anyone has any experience riding there. I have a BMW all set up for 2 weeks and am starting to plan my route.
Any info would be appreciated.
Will be going to Beijing/Shanghai and would like to know if anyone has any experience riding there. I have a BMW all set up for 2 weeks and am starting to plan my route.
Any info would be appreciated.

lucky you. are you able to ride unescorted?

i've visited shanghai on business a few times, never long enough to rent a bike, so the only advice i can give is what i saw.

it *appears* that motorcycles are not allowed on the major roads and that you're treated more like a bicycle in traffic than the equivalent of a car. most riders stuck to the sides of the road, even those on "big" bikes (<250cc)

Good luck on your ride !!

Hi Scott, I have stayed, lived, worked and traveled in China over the past 15 years and you will have to put some work into planning your trip. You will not be allowed on highways there but will have to take secondary roads, but that may be what you want anyway. I tried to get a permit through a Chinese attorney about 15 years ago to ride in China but was unable to do so. Maybe things have changed there now. I lived in Taiwan for 10 years and had a BMW there; it was illegal but the police there never gave me a hard time. Once they saw I was a Westerner they would just say, "go go". They didn't want to deal with the problems of arresting me. Now on the other hand, the Chinese police in the mainland would be glad to arrest you if you were doing something wrong. I do know that there are some Chinese in China that have BMW bikes now but not sure where they can ride them.

Are you renting a bike or borrowing one if you don't mind me asking. And, where are you planning to ride to are from? I go to China about every two years now so I would like to do what you are planning. I know that I did not answer any of your questions but have some of my own. Please let me know how it works out.
Thanks for the responses however my trip to the mainland has been cancelled.

What I found out though is this, if you are a Chinese resident that qualifies you take a test for a motorcycle license.
You can however only drive on the "side" roads at this time but Im sure that with all the major companies looking
to open dealerships in China Im pretty sure that will change.

I will however still be going to Hong Kong and have arranged for a rental bike. I cant wait to ride the twisties
up to the Peak. Should be fun.

Thanks for the responses.

Having spent a great deal of time in china, but never brave enough to drive let alone ride all I can say is stay away from big cities, they are some of the scariest drivers I have ever seen.. Enjoy the country side it's beautiful but watch for potholes