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Schuberth C3

Hang it on!


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You would leave a $700 helmet clipped to your bike? I make sure I always have room for my C3 in my side case.

I sometimes leave my C2 sitting on the saddle. Or on a mirror stalk. Or clipped around the handle bars. Once in a great while I'll cable it to the bike. Depends upon where I am. So far (over 50 years if you include my years as a passenger behind my dad) I've not lost a helmet.
I usually put mine in a saddle bag. If I expect to have full bags, I carry one of these:


They are a soft bag with a steel wire mesh between the cloth layers. They have a hanging strap on the top so that you can hang the bag open side down from your handle bars. It's a well designed product.
Wow. My helmet goes where I go. I have an irrational fear of someone messing with my helmet if I leave it sitting on the bike. At $700 and the inability to ride anywhere without it, it never leaves my sight.
I agree. I think leaving the helmet on the bike is a motorcycle culture thing. I take mine with me because leaving it on the bike is the equivalent of having a $700 leather coat and leaving it hanging on my cars side mirror, IMHO.
Schuberth 3C helmet face sheild falls down while underway

OK, I bit the bullet after reading post after post about this " over priced" helmet, got mine a few days ago, and my face sheild isn't as tight as my Aria 20 year old helmet, and keeps falling down periodically, as I always ride with the shield up, unless it's raining.

May return it, if I can't correct it.

2011/ R1200RT
OK, I bit the bullet after reading post after post about this " over priced" helmet, got mine a few days ago, and my face sheild isn't as tight as my Aria 20 year old helmet, and keeps falling down periodically, as I always ride with the shield up, unless it's raining.

May return it, if I can't correct it.

2011/ R1200RT

I would return it. The helmet isn't designed to be worn with the shield up at highway speeds. Only the city mode allows that. When the shield is up it also blocks the top vent. You could just take the shield off and just put it on when it rains.
Im curious why you would buy a helmet you thought was overpriced?
Contact Adrianne at Schuberth about they faceshield. She can help you. This is not a common problem.

I just completed the 2011 Iron Butt Rally wearing a C3 and had absolutely no such problems. When I cracked it open to any position - for example, enough to stuff a Cliff bar into my mouth - it stayed put even in blustery winds.
I recently wrote to Schuberth about my wife's C3W she has the same problem and it annoys her greatly. The response I rec'd is that it is designed to do that as a safety precaution! He also said that we can send it back to them and they can adjust it. We plan on doing that as the visor comes down at any speed more than about 20 MPH.
I have one sourced from Germany prior to Schuberth's return to the US. It does the same thing with enough wind force the shield drops.

Schuberth would not even acknowledge the email.
C3 - 3 month report

I bought mine as everyone raved about the German helmet back on US soil... I bought the SRC and love it! So $1100 later, I flew to TX to pick up my new 09 GSA and ride it back to Baltimore in late March '11. I got 90's in TX to 38 degrees and rain in MD. The helmet and Rev'it gear were awesome. The ratchet feature of the shield "was" great. As I'm behind a good size fairing on the GSA, the chin vent is all but worthless. I didn't know about the flap for the top air vent, so I kept the shield cracked. The visibility is excellent in rainy cold.
I was amazed at the buffeting on the GSA and really bad behind non-aerodynamic vehicles - pick-ups, work trucks etc. The helmet is light and nimble - never had a problem with feeling pressure to turn my head and physically look every time I changed lanes. I have since put a Wunderlich extension and that drastically stopped the buffeting as the air hits the top of my helmet now.
So here's my points:
1st. quiet - absolutely, crack the visor and hear the difference! On the opposite - ride with it cracked open to 2 clicks and then around 70 mph, click the visor closed - it's like you just closed the door to a nice German automobile in comparison. I listen to iPod wired and/or my DroidX on BT and the sound is incredible, stereo and loud, often have to lower it. I read all the leads up to now, and I really like the comment of leaving the phone plugged in. I'm going to try that. I do that when I've got the tank bag on...I'm going to work that one out -that's just smart.

2. after complaining to Schubert USA about the lack of air flow, they told me about the air tab for winter - I hadn't noticed it and didn't catch it in the manual, so come warmer temps, it's really hot. There's a fold of cloth that blocks the 2 vent holes to give air and yet not have the cold air on your head directly. Now that the cloth tab is folded back or should I say forward, definite airflow when I keep the visor 2/3rds or more down. It actually feeds the air to the scoop.

3. Forehead imprint. This thing isn't breaking in. My helmet sits more on my forehead and not on the crown, leaving me an imprint of the sewing V-shape where the centerline foam piece attaches to the brow/forehead cushion. After 300 m, it starts to hurt. I find that if I press the back of the helmet to scooch it forward works for a while. Anyone experience this - drives me crazy to ride more than 30 min and it looks like I've got a red arrow pointing down my forehead. I started wearing a cap when I get off the bike it's so noticeable.

4 - coming up on 4 months now and 7500 miles, (I too commute 22miles each way) the visor's ratchet is starting to fail...pretty not cool for a $700 helmet/or $89 visors. Mind you, as my bike's shield is high and I feel hardly any air, I keep the visor up most of the time and it closes as I accelerate past 50, especially if near buffeting vehicles ie not clean air stream. Still the first increment is awesome as I like the fresh air. When commuting in the rain, I keep it cracked and no water comes in...well most of the time, then I close it completely. Snug as a bug in a rug all shuttered up.

5 - The sun pilot visor is amazing. That's the best thing ever put into a motorcycle helmet - like why didn't they do that sooner. I use it like a visor - only 1" down and it stops that annoying just-so sun angle the sunglasses don't get, like the black screen thing on your car's windshied... awesome. Thinking about putting sunshield strip along that top 1" of the helmet shield for just that.

6 - I'm really impressed with the SRC system - the audio fidelity is amazing. I put a Cardo G4 on my wife's HJC Max and we talk BT. On a recent 1300 m trip to and around NC, we ran out of battery power only one afternoon of the 4 day trip, and that's chatting pretty consistently.:hug:blah:blah:blah

Sorry for long wind there friends - it's a lot of money to fork out, after putting some serious coin down for our bikes. So I believe it's important to be honest here for each other.

See you at the Rally.

09 R1200GSA noob
I have the same forehead complaint except after 1-1 1/2 hours I have to take the helmet off due to killer headache. Soon as helmet comes off the headache goes away. I sent an email to Shuberth 2 days ago to ask about fit and break-in. Waiting for reply. When I put the helmet on it is very comfortable. Wait an hour and I cant wait to take it off.
Forehead Pain with Schuberth C3

I experienced similar forehead pain with:

Schuberth C2
Arai Quantum 2

I was fitted with an Arai Profile at the 2009 BMWMOA Rally in Johnson City and the problem was solved!

It seems that I have a long-oval shaped head and the Schuberth and Arai Quantum 2 helmets are designed for round shaped heads.

The forehead is where the round helmets contact my long-oval head and the only way to relieve the pain is to remove the helmet.

Have your head measured and the shape assessed and I bet that you have a long-oval head, which is not compatible with round shaped helmets.

It seems that I have a long-oval shaped head and the Schuberth and Arai Quantum 2 helmets are designed for round shaped heads.


I also wear an Arai Profile.

I've got a Resistol straw cowboy hat with a tag on the inside that says "Long Oval." That hat fits me perfectly.

Today I talked to Michael Talarico, a Technical Communications Manager, Certified Master Technician at Schuberth about the headache issue. To make a long story short, he himself would get headaches from the same pressure point at the top of the forehead. He said the Schuberth has a longer break in period. Longer than alot of helmets. To help speed up the process, he advised to remove the side cheek cusions and wash them as described in the manual. Then air dry them. Next put some weights or books on the cusions for a day to help compress them. When re-installed this will help take the pressure off of the forhead. He said he had to do this twice with his own helmet. He advised me that if this did not work, I was to call him back and we could try something else. However, he advised that he has not had anyone call him back after the above process was completed.

The more I wear the helmet the longer it takes before it starts hurting. I am going to try the above procedure and see what happens. :D
my c3

the microphone gets in the way when dropping the front. if it had a quick disconnect, i'd take it off. the visor window drops at 70+ mph. i want it to stay up sometimes. for short rides, i wear something else. the pinlok edges and the bifocal line sometimes adversely impact vision.

i like my C3
Just finished a 5200 mile trip around the Great Lakes and thru the Midwest to PA wearing my C3. I also had upper forehead discomfort and looking inside the helmet noticed that it was right where the flap for the top vent (the one you use to block the vent in really cold weather) was folded under. I had no pain with that fabric in the winter position, so used a spoon to compress the foam there just enough to make room for the extra fold of liner fabric. Much better now.

I have some visor issues which Schuberth and RevZilla are addressing - so far I'm very happy with their support.

My one nagging complaint about the helmet is that the visor will not stay up and it has no city position (partly open). Coming thru the hot and muggy Midwest I would raise the visor at every small town, but it would abruptly slam shut at 30mph. In that heat, having a visor stay open till 50 would have been a blessing, or having a 1cm gap would have been nice as well. The slamming door effect got old quickly, and I found myself holding the visor open with my left hand. I could lift the chin guard, but with my big chin pulling it down again is a two handed process as the wind curtain has to be held or the guard won't latch.

Did I mention it was the most comfortable helmet I've ever worn..?